Monday, August 3, 2009

So Much Paper

I should start calling this blog "A glimpse into my nerdy life". My computer has always been something that I have been proud of. Its ability to process large chunks of data and provide hours of entertainment as well as hold all of my important information is what makes it so great. In fact my computer just got an upgrade of how much information it can hold. I now have pretty close to three terabytes of hard drive space. 3! That's one more than two, and two more than one. THREE! I looked around to see how to put that into more physical terms and found a good example. If you are storing just text documents one page holds about 5,000 characters, or 5 kilobytes. So one terabyte would be about 500 million pages of text. So I could hold 1.5 Billion pages of text. That's 1/3 the Library of Congress or 1,200 hours of DVD quality video or over one million high quality pictures or 750,000 songs.
Well all of that aside the sad thing is that I actually have about two of those terabytes full of stuff. Well that's enough about how nerdy I am for now. I'm off to fill my new terabyte with 1,000 copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica.