Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doesn't It look like Global Warming is winning outside?


After being gone for the weekend my wife and I came home to a very cold house. We spent the next day with the heaters at full blast to get it back to fairly warm again. We snuggled into bed and woke up this morning and opened the door.......


Yup I took this picture this morning. If you look really closely. I mean really closely. You can see the fence that if about 20 feet away from the door. But don't stare at it too long or you may start to see spots.
I love the snow. There is nothing better than about 8 feet of snow. Part of this might be because I served my mission in Sweden. The other part might be because I love driving in it. I don't think I have grown out of that phase were teenage boys love to go to parking lots and do donuts in the snow. As a matter of fact I don't think any men have.
In Sweden they get so much snow and the roads are so small that they have to suck the snow up with a giant snow blower attached to a Caterpillar and then put it into dump trucks and take it to soccer fields. Sometimes the piles of snow can get rather large and still be there into early may. So we really don't have anything to complain about.
Without snow what would this world be? No snowball fights. No snowmen. No snow angels. No snowboarding. No Superman fortresses of solitude. No Iceman from the Xmen. I don't want to live in a world without these things. And of course you don't either. So that is why we put up with the constant shoveling and salting and plowing.
Of course if Al Gore is right we should be coming to the end of snow as we know it. We wont even be able to go to the ice caps to see snow anymore. We will all live underwater with Kevin Costner from Water World and develop gills and fight pirates on skidoos. I know it doesn't sound that bad but remember, no snow. And really Kevin Costner would get kinda boring. Iceman is much more entertaining. But since Al's movie it has just been getting colder and colder every year it seems. So hopefully I wont have to live to see the day when Global Warming wins. I did have to live to see him win a Nobel prize, and it almost killed me. But for now I'm just going to go back to my fortress of solitude and enjoy it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why every home should come standard with surround sound

Picture this.

You come home from work and are excited to enjoy the latest james bond film that you just rented. It was amazing in theatres and you are looking forward to seeing it a second time. You put it in you dvd player and go and sit on the couch only to realize that the screen is so small that to read the menus you need to move the couch closer. So you get up and move the coffee table behind the couch and scoot it forward. The movie begins and you cant quite put your finger on it but something is wrong. It doesn't sound right. In the last scene Mr. Bond just blew up an entire building and it sounded like the neighbors just flushed the toilet. So you think to yourself, "Maybe I just don't have the volume up high enough." So you crank it up more thinking that this will give you that experience. But no as you turn the volume up it just gets worse and worse. Slowly you begin to realize that this is just not the same. Tears begin to well up in your eyes. Frustrated and crying you turn off the movie to watch American Idol because it sounds the same no matter what volume you have it at.

Sadly this is a true story for many Americans. Especially the part about American Idol. Why else would their ratings be so high? A simple three letters could stop all of this madness. THX.

There is nothing like watching Transformers and feeling like a car actually flew over your head. Something that should be felt at home as well as at the movie theatres. Not only does surround sound help you better appreciate action movies but it works on any kind of movie. My wife loves to watch Friends and while watching it one day I kept hearing a phone ring on my right side and I thought that I should go grab my cell phone. But then I realized that it wasn't my cell phone ring, it was coming from the movie! When I watch The Office I feel like I am in an office.

This is something that I think every human being should have. Which is why I am petitioning Congress to make an American Surround Sound stimulus package. In this time of economic peril there is no way we can afford not to give every American home its own surround sound system. If not addressed this issue could turn into a crisis of major proportions. Without quality surround sound to enjoy movies people will turn to the streets and riots will break out in almost every state. I hope that this issue will addressed soon. Until then I'm going to go watch The Dark Knight.