Friday, January 30, 2009

How I may die prematurely


This week has been just peachy. A history paper due, a group project four calculus assignments, a large physics assignment, a calculus test, and a physics test. I just finished all of that about 40 minutes ago. And the worst part about it is that I am paying these people to make me do this. Whoever came up with this idea that you should pay to do homework should be severly flogged. I just hope that if I do enough homework and pay enough money that someday that will give me a piece of paper that will allow me to never do homework again. That is the real reason that people go to college. So that they can say, "I never have to do homework again." I really look forward to the day when I no longer have to spend my friday nights finishing up the last of my physics homework before it is due at midnight.

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